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Tom Sachs, artist, for The New York Times
Ferd Space, bear hunter, for The Times (UK)
Harley Courts, owner of Nooklyn real estate agency, for L'Express
Marion Bartoli, Wimbledon tennis tournament champion, for L'Equipe
Michael Steinhardt, American hedge fund manager, financier, investor, newspaper publisher, and philanthropist, for Musaf Haaretz
Arik Ben-Simhon, Tel Aviv designer, for Time Out
The co-founders of, for Stern
Harlen Coben, American author, for Lire
Yasmin Godar, Israeli choreographer, for Time Out
Nathan Blecharczyk, co-founder of Airbnb, for Stern
Rick and Michael Mast, chocolatiers, for Helsingin Sanomat
Frederic Malle, French perfume maker, for Capital
Kenneth Roth, Director of the Human Rights Watch (HRW), for Le Journal du Dimanche
Aryeh Neier, previously president of George Soros’s Open Society Institute philanthropy and Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, for L'Express
Eva Hoffe, owner of of Franz Kafka's estate, for The New York Times Magazine
David Graeber, American anthropologist, anarchist, and writer, for L'Express
Nisim (65), from the series "The Tel Avivians"
Ron Ben Israel, executive pastry chef, for MarketWeek
Doron Rabina, artist and curator, for Time Out
Aseel, Umm Al-Fahm, from the series "Eighteen"
David Tor, leading Tel Aviv nightlife persona, for Time Out
Tim Stevens, Engadet Editor-in-Chief, for MarkerWeek
Lior Miller, male model and DJ, for Time Out
Itzik Weingarten, theater actor and director, for Time Out
Dov Baharav, Amdocs CEO, for CEO Magazine
Lori Touchette, NYU Hospital nurse, for People Magazine
Morley Safer, CBS News correspondent and leading “60 Minutes” reporter, for MarkerWeek
Renée Louis, fashion stylist and single mother, for L'Express
Leading Israeli choreographers, for Time Out
The Kays family, dairy farm owners